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 Born Again

A series of lessons given by George Adamski in the late 1930's.
第二の誕生 原文

 Verily, verily I say unto you, except a man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom Of God! Thus spoke Jesus The Christ to whom life had revealed her mysteries.

  He also said, No man escendeth up to Heaven except he who came down from Heaven, even the son of man which is in Heaven.  Meaning that the second birth is a return into the original Cause State Of Consciousness out of which all things proceed into the world of form. Man has descended, as have all forms, from the Cause State and he will have to return to that state of consciousness in order to enjov Life Eternal.

 When man was born into the world of form he became lost in the appearance of effects and lost his memory of the vast Cause State. He has given himself over to the dictation of the mortal sense mind and is closed to the guidance of Cosmic Consciousness. His scope of life's purpose has become limited to the. world of effects - his whole attention is given to the analysis of form and he has been blinded to the Cause back of the form. So before he can come into his own, the original self, he will have to be born again - born into the unlimited conscious awareness of the Cosmos.

  As the first birth has given him an understanding of the form world like himself, the second birth will give him an understanding of Cause. Man's duty now is to burst the bonds of limitation - to emerge from the matrix of earth and perceive the magnificent vastness of Cause.

  The second birth does not necessitate the death of any form of consciousness nor the death of the body; it necessitates only the uniting of the two phases of consciousness in oneness with all life. As Paul says, "As we have borne the image of the earthly, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly." The second birth produces the unlimited consciousness - uniting heaven and earth. The mortal concept and cosmic awareness become equally balanced and man begins to learn about the Kingdom of his Father. Man in his limited state of awareness is lost in the vastness of the Father's Kingdom and cannot hope for life Eternal. But when he is born again and accepts his Divine Heritage he is no longer lost, for wherever he might look or whatever he might study constantly reveals unceasing action and he knows this action as life expressing the Father's purpose.

  Not until the teachers and ministers understand this can they save any man or themselves, for as Jesus said, "Every man carries his own burden." Every man is his own salvation and since he is lost to himself, being an effect in the midst of causes, he naturally will have to find himself in his Father's Kingdom by knowing its vastness and his relationship withit.

 If a man enters an unfamiliar city of only a few thousand population he is very liable to lose his way and have to ask how to get back to his starting point. He is not entirely free until he becomes acquainted with that vicinity and is able to go about with perfect assurance of action. If man is so easily lost in the midst of the limited world is it not reason able to assume that he would be totally lost in this vast cosmos that knows no boundaries and that it would take much longer for him to find himself in it?

 The second birth is the birth of awareness which releases man from the limitations of form and from the confines of time and space. It is the birth of consciousness from the dark confines of ignorance into the awareness of omniscience. It is not to be confused with the mythical illusions of religious fanaticism or saintliness.

 Many scientists today are closer to the second birth than are many of the so-called spiritual students. One of our great scientists made the remark, "When I am fatigued with mental effort and have ceased to ponder over a problem I find that is the time when the truth of the question is most clearly revealed to me." That is a glimpse of the second birth - when the mortal conscousness is released into the hands of the vast consciousness and the veil of limitation is rent asunder and truth stands forth vividly perceived.

  The astronomer who opens the door of the universe and reveals the action taking place within it, the scientist or mathematician who proves the laws governing action, the chemist who goes to the cause world for his understanding of chemicals and combinations are all paving the way for the * new birth. Every flash of intuition is a step towards the* greater life; every new revelation gained through observing in any channel of expression is a mile-post towards an unlimited awareness. There is nothing mystical about the second birth - it is evolution; it is growth. It is the knowledge that man is in the Father's Kingdom at all times ano that he is permitted to penetrate any part of the Kingdom if he will only do so. There is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed. As man becomes aware of earth life he shall also expand into a greater awareness of Cause.

  It is man's duty to be a happy child in his Father's house and to do this he will have to be aware of the house. He must become aware that he is now in this heaven that he is seeking to enter and he must learn more about the many Mansions in this kingdom, as one would have to become aware of the many rooms of a dwelling place in order to know that he is liviner in a Palace.

 Here lies the answer to the question about the constant urge in the heart of every human to know more about the composition of form as well as the cause of action, for it is the Cause Parent impressing the effective child to know more about the vast Cosmos so he may enjoy all that the Father has to give in the everlasting way.

 This is the second birth - the realization of the un-limited realm of Cause and the all-inclusive, ever-active life that never ceases to manifest.

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