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ニューズレター No.38 昭和44年3月30日発行 より 
肉体の意識の変換 第1部の原文

We can bring ourselves into a higher state of consciousness through various channels. As we transform thought, we also transform the body, because thought has a dominion over the body. As it is in the mind, so it is in the body, and nothing but thought will transform the body. The thoughts which we entertain within ourselves draw like conditions from the universe unto us. If we wish top rise in consciousness, we must forget all of the past conditions which have already served us.

  We must rise into that higher understanding of a limitless being. The higher thoughts wish eliminate all wrong conditions within the body. The higher thoughts dwell in eternal peace.

This peace comes as we begin to understand ourselves. It cannot come in any other way. Before we can attain harmony we must understand ourselves. Our consciousness is like a huge transformer and we can take in as much power as we wish and transform it from one part of the body to another.

We can control the body completely by our consciousness if we are conscious of conscious power in thought. When our consciousness is not functioning properly, we may try every cure and accomplish nothing. We can see, therefore, how necessary it is for us to understand the conscious power of thought. When our consciousness is in complete unity with the Father's consciousness it is limitless for we are His counterpart. Knowing what we are we must hold fast to that which we want and eliminate thoughts which we do not want. We are then bound to get results if that which we want is right for us at the time. Otherwise we shall get what we want at the proper time. But man must have faith and confidence in the workings of the eternal law.

We can use this as an example. Suppose a man wants to change a condition into a higher or better condition then he must first change his thoughts into a higher state and must have faith that the better condition will follow. If he has any doubt in his mortal consciousness he will block the condition from appearing. A doubt as small as a mustard seed will keep it from coming through, but should he have faith as large as a mustard seed, without any doubt, he shall have the attain- meant of any condition.

A man must have certainty in his conscious thought that he can and will rise and then the higher conditions will take place.  By lacking certainty he lowers his mortal consciousness instead of raising it. Man has risen from the savage state to the present civilization only by wanting higher and better things but he had to be absolutely certain that he could have them and that certainty led him to success.

Yet the man in a simple state understood this power of conscious thought in his body better than the civilized man of today, for the simple man trusted in Divine Providence, perhaps to an extreme and that is why he hurt himself at times, for the Father does not want us to be extremists. The present day man takes advantage of everything and everyone because he has.no faith in the Father of Creation. The simple man did not store up any more than he could use over a period of time, while the present day man stores more than he can use and cares nothing about his fellow-man's needs. This condition has come about because of the transformation of man's mortal mind, from faith to no faith. The simple man may not have" had the knowledge that we have today but he was more just., The simple man could control his thought while modern man has acquired a powerful mortal consciousness that he is not capable of controlling. He has therefore lowered his character.

Instead of mastering his thoughts as he should he allows his thoughts to master him and he is beginning to realize that he does not know how to master the power of conscious thought.

His thoughts run away with him, confusing him and he lives in a state of fear instead of in a state of certainty. Man today fears everybody for he knows that he is powerful enough to harm and he fears that his fellow man will use that same power to harm him. Had he taken time while he was transforming his mortal consciousness by analyzing every step that he took, he would have his thoughts and everything else about him under control todayy.

 That is how man's dominion grows. His power would not frighten him as it does for he would know the laws of thought and would know how to use it consciously and properly. We have a similar principle in electricity. Electricity will kill if it is mishandled and will serve if properly handled. The same is true of conscious thought, it is powerful enough to kill. Doctors call that condition a shock.

When we know how to use this power it is then our servant. The wrong use of thought destroys us but the right use brings a harmonious condition for lasting joy comes only when we learn to be the master of our mortal consciousness. We have been given a free will for one purpose and that is to master and have dominion by submitting our will to the higher will within to guide us. Our Father never intended man to be dominated by anyone or anything. He gave us power and intended for us to know how to use it. When the so-called mind is under proper control it does the proper thing at the proper time in the proper place and works for the good of mankind.
This is the higher will expressing. This conscious awareness must hold the reins and guide the mortal consciousness instead* of being driven by it for then fear will disappear.

A man in a dark alley is afraid and watches his steps very carefully because he cannot see what is ahead of him. The carnal mind is working in the dark and is constantly afraid of the steps to be taken fearing that something will arise to block or injure it from going on. The man functioning in the carnal consciousness sees no light ahead of him. The fear that he projects causes the animal to attack him.
Man has thrown away the Divine reins by which he should be guided and now he suffers much sorrow and pain but finally he awakens to the fact that something is wrong and begins to look into the universe for help. He then turns to God for understanding. He is the prodigal son going back to his Father. He thought he could go wildly into the world and have his own way but finally realized that he could not control the conditions of life by his mortal wilL.

Man can partake of the overall intelligence when he is willing to take the step forward and can get what he really wants. When he takes this step he finds that he has dominion over the lower elements through his feeling of unity and he serves the total rather than the personal desire. Without any true knowledge man took conditions upon himself which were never intended for him.

The overall intelligence never assumes anything because it knows everything and is unlimited. It is the personal consciousness that gets man into trouble for it has assumed the wrong condition. When man is hurt enough he begins to look to the Father, or the reality of life. It sometimes takes all of the strength that he has to eliminate the wrong assumptions when he finds himself in such trouble.

How does man find himself? When he realizes the reality of life, when he realizes his true self, he then must step into a new garment and learn to say "Thy Will Be Done". When he does, the wrong conditions will dissolve and the sorrows will go with them.

When we unite with this knowing we must throw away the old thoughts and take on the new attitude towards life. In other words we must wash away the wrong ideas but the carnal consciousness cannot do this work by itself any more than a little child can wash itself The mother must cleanse the child and so our impersonal consciousness is the mother that must cleanse the personal mind. That is man's only salvation.

>>To The Second Part of a Lesson

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